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Last updated 331 days ago

Profile & Settings – Contact & Campaign Settings

Contact Settings

Manage how your account treats duplicate contacts and numbers. By default duplicate settings are disabled, however, if you require this feature to be enabled follow the steps below;

To enable duplicate contacts or numbers, go to;

1. Settings > Profile & Settings

2. Select the Contacts & Campaign Settings tab

3. To Allow Duplicate Contacts, ensure the toggle is enabled.
Note: Enabling Allow Duplicate Contacts will allow multiple contacts with the same mobile number to be added to your account.

4. To Allow Duplicate Numbers, ensure the toggle is enabled.
Note: Enabling Allow Duplicate Numbers will allow an SMS campaign to be sent to the same number if multiple contacts share the same number.

5. Custom Fields allow you to add more details when saving contacts to your account. These additional details can then be used to merge into message content when you’re communicating via SMS later.

To add a custom field, click Add Custom Field.

6. Nominate the type of field (text, number etc.) and Name the field.

7. Click Save

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