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  5. Understanding Delivery Status of an SMS
Last updated 799 days ago

Understanding Delivery Status of an SMS

When sending SMS through Edgility there are three delivery statuses – sending, delivered or failed:

NOTE: The visibility and update of delivery statuses are dependent on the local carrier dispatching your message. Results of delivery are reflected live in online reports. Depending on your region, some of the below statuses may not be available.


Your message has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s handset and we have received a confirmation (delivery receipt) from the carrier that it was delivered to the handset.


A Sent (Sending) status describes a message that has been submitted from Edgility to the carrier and is awaiting a returned confirmation of delivery.

It can take up to 24 hours for a Sent status to be updated by the carrier to Delivered or Failed. However, in some cases, the carrier may fail to return an updated status at all. There are a number of reasons a status remains as Sent:

  • Number is disconnected or the number is no longer in use.
  • Phone number is active but the handset is switched off or out of range for an extended period of time.
  • Recipient is experiencing Network problems.
  • The message has been successfully delivered however the carrier has simply not returned a confirmation of this which is more often the case.


Indicates the mobile handset has not received the messages. The most common reasons are:

  • SIM card is not in a handset
  • Out of network range for more than 72 hours
  • Phone number is disconnected
  • Travelling overseas (connected to another network)
  • The number is invalid – you can safely delete the number from your list.
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