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  4. Sending SMS
  5. Sending SMS from your Virtual Number
Last updated 680 days ago

Sending SMS from your Virtual Number

Once you have set up your Virtual Number and optional Keywords, you are ready to start sending.

1. Navigate to Send SMS.

2. Enter a Campaign Name (optional).

Tip: Using the Campaign Name option is great when sending frequently. You will be able to quickly and easily identify your campaign when viewing your reports.

3. Build your recipient’s list by manually entering or pasting numbers in the box, selecting Add Contacts/ Add Groups or by importing a file.

When you click away from the Enter or Paste Numbers box, your recipient’s mobile numbers will be listed below it.

4. Set the Sender ID by using the From drop-down to select your Virtual Number.

5. Type your message content in the Message text area.

Tip: One standard SMS is up to 160 characters. Use the Templates drop-down to choose a template you prepared earlier or compose your own SMS Message. If sending to saved contacts, personalise the message by including Merge fields.

6. Select from Campaign Delivery features (optional)

Here you can schedule your message for delivery at a later date/time or recurrence. For large campaigns, you can also elect to stagger the delivery of messages in even batches, over a set amount of hours.

7. Then click Save Draft, Send Test or Send now.

Use the buttons at the bottom of the page to either save this campaign as a draft for later, send yourself a test message to ensure the SMS is perfect or Send the message now.

8. The Campaign Confirmation screen will appear with a summary of your campaign. Simply agree to the Terms and Conditions and click Submit Campaign.

Before submitting any message, ensure you are adhering to the privacy rules of Consent, Identification and Opt-Out.

Your message has now been sent and will arrive at the handset shortly.

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