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  5. Merge SMS – Import a File with Recipients
Last updated 799 days ago

Merge SMS – Import a File with Recipients

Quickly and easily import a .csv or .xlsx file with as many columns as you like, and use the data in those columns to insert personalised information (as merge fields) in your message

Sending to your imported list can be completed in a few short steps.

1. Navigate to Send SMS


2. Enter a Campaign Name (optional).

Tip: Using the Campaign Name option is great when sending frequently. You will be able to quickly and easily identify your campaign when viewing your reports.


3. Build your recipient by clicking Import file


4. Click Upload a file to browse and select or drag and drop your file into the upload box

Check the box to indicate if your file includes a header row. You will then be asked you to identify which column contains recipient numbers – use the File Column dropdown to select the correct column, then click Import numbers.

Tip: Each valid number in the file will be added to the recipient list individually, making it easy to remove a single contact from the campaign if you wish.


5. Set the Sender ID by using the From drop-down

To allow recipients to reply select from Shared Local NumberVerified Number, or Virtual Number options.

To send a 1-way message that does not allow recipients to reply, select from approved Alphanumeric Sender IDs.

Tip: If you choose an Alphanumeric Sender ID to send marketing/promotion messages, recipients cannot reply to automatically Opt-Out, therefore you must use a different Opt-Out method.


6. Type your message content in the Message text area.

Tip: One standard SMS is up to 160 characters. Use the Templates drop-down to choose a template you prepared earlier or compose your own SMS Message.

Data from the other columns in your file (if any) will be available in the Merge fields dropdown. Select from the to insert in your message.


7. Select from Campaign Delivery features (optional)

Here you can schedule your message for delivery at a later date/time or recurrence. For large campaigns, you can also elect to Stagger the delivery of messages in even batches, over a set amount of hours.


8. Then use the buttons at the bottom of the page to either save this campaign as a draft for later, send yourself a test message to ensure the SMS is perfect or Send the message now.


9. The Campaign Confirmation screen will appear with a summary of your campaign. Simply agree to the Terms and Conditions and click Submit Campaign.

Tip: Before submitting any message, ensure you are adhering to the privacy rules of Consent, Identification and Opt-Out.

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