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  5. Default Sending Country
Last updated 815 days ago

Default Sending Country

This setting will determine how your contact/recipient numbers are processed and the Sender ID options available to you at the time of sending. Edgility will allow for sending to multiple international destinations in a single broadcast if required.

Your Default Sending Country is set at the time of registration, but can be edited any time by going to Settings > Profile & Settings > Default SMS Settings

Saving Contacts/Adding Recipients

Edgility will verify the numbers of saved contacts/recipients according to your default sending country first, then attempt to match the remaining numbers to other international regions.

Australian mobile (cell) numbers start with the prefix 04 or 614 in their international format. Let’s consider the below list of recipient numbers – you will note that the first 3 numbers are Australian mobile numbers in varying prefix formats that Edgility will recognise and update. The remaining 2 are Australian, non-mobile numbers (landlines) in varying prefixes. The non-mobile number with an “02” area code coincidentally matches a New Zealand mobile prefix which touchSMS will convert accordingly (mobile prefixes in NZ are 02 or 642). Numbers whose prefix cannot be matched to any region will be discarded – in this case, 95187455 has been discarded from the list;

61412345645 (mobile)
0498765432 (mobile)
474123658 (mobile)
0295187455 (landline)
95187455 (landline)

Below is an example of how the above numbers would be identified and processed in Edgility, with the Default Sending Country set to Australia;

+61412345645 – Australia
+61498765432 – Australia
+61474123658 – Australia
+64295187455 – New Zealand

Numbers are saved in contacts or added to your recipient list in their international format, which includes the country code. Numbers included in your recipient list from regions outside of your Default Sending Country will be identified on the sending screen so you have a chance to view/remove them.

Tip: It’s a good idea to import contacts or add recipients with numbers in their international format.

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