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  5. What information is visible in Reports?
Last updated 592 days ago

What information is visible in Reports?

Edgility includes a comprehensive reporting system to ensure that every message you send and every response you receive is logged and visible at the touch of a button. There are 4 reports to choose from depending on the level of detail you want to view:

  • Overview Report
    This report displays a total of messages (number) for your selected period, either in daily, monthly or yearly format. You can also use the Source dropdown to filter results based on how the messages were sent.Source – filter reports by message source

    • Web – Will display messages sent from your online account
    • Email – Will display messages sent via email to SMS
    • Integration – If you have any integrations set up you can use this filter to report activity sent via your integrations
    • API – If you have set up an API to send and receive SMS you can use this filter to report activity via your API


  • Detailed Report
    Detailed reports display a breakdown of each message submitted within a period – details include the date, time, sender ID, recipient’s mobile number, message content, and delivery status.
    Reports can be filtered by the following:

    • Status – filter reports by message status
      • Sent – The message has been processed and submitted to the carrier for delivery. This is the final status on messages without delivery receipts
      • Failed – The message has failed and the carrier has stopped attempting to deliver
      • Delivered – the message was successfully delivered to the handset
    • Source – filter reports by message source
      • Web – Will display messages sent from your online account
      • Email – Will display messages sent via email to SMS
      • Integration – If you have any integrations set up you can use this filter to report activity sent via your integrations
      • API – If you have set up an API to send and receive SMS you can use this filter to report activity via your API
    • Virtual Number – Filter report via message set to and received to your virtual number/s.
    • Phone Number – Filter report via a specific number or contact you have sent or received messages to or from.


  • Campaign Report
    Campaign reports display a summary report of messages, in the batches they were submitted. For your chosen period, report will display the date, time, campaign name, number of recipients, number of replies received, and a preview of the message sent.


  • Web Inbox Report
    Your Web Inbox is a consolidated view of messages received to your Edgility account for any given period. Inbound messages include those in reply to SMS you have sent out, as well as messages texted into your Virtual Number (if you have one). You can use the dropdowns to filter by inbound mobile number (person who messaged you) or Virtual Number (messages sent to your Virtual Number only).
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