Last updated 331 days ago

Email to SMS

With Email to SMS you can send SMS through your email client such as outlook and mail in addition to the Platform. In order to use Email to SMS, you will need to ensure it is enabled in your account.


To Enable Email to SMS, go to;

1. Settings > Email to SMS

2. Ensure that the Email to SMS Settings toggle is Enabled.

3. Include Text in Subject Line is optional. By default this is disabled however if you enable this setting, text in the subject line of your email will be included in your SMS.

4. Maximum Message Parts by default are set to 1. You can increase the Maximum Message Parts by clicking on the dropdown and making a selection.

Tip: Maximum Message Parts allow you to limit the length of an SMS sent via Email to SMS. As a default, your max character count is 160 including space (160 Characters = 1 SMS = 1 message part). If you exceed the 160-character count the system will cut off your SMS. 

5. Select your Email to SMS Security option.

We recommend Strict level security to ensure your email address is not spoofed and used to send unsolicited email to SMS from your account.

6. Click Save.

To register additional email addresses, to use Email to SMS, simply click Add Email Address

Tip: You can amend or delete any email address in the list simply by clicking on the ellipsis icon (⋮) then Edit or Delete.


Email to SMS Sending Options

1. Click the ellipsis next to the registered email address and select Edit

2. Use the Default Sender ID dropdown to select the Sender ID for messages sent from this email address.

3. Click Save.


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