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  5. Creating Contacts Manually
Last updated 802 days ago

Creating Contacts Manually

Saving your contacts in Edgility makes SMS sending a breeze while building your database.


To create a new contact in your Edgility account, go to;

1. Contacts > Click on the Create Contact button

2. Complete the details in the contact card
Note: The more details the better – First Name, Surname, Email address and Mobile Number will be available as mail merge fields to use in your SMS when these contacts are selected as recipients.

3. To Allow Duplicate Numbers, ensure the toggle is enabled.
Note: Enabling Allow Duplicate Numbers will allow an SMS campaign to be sent to the same number if multiple contacts share the same number.

4. If you have created any Groups, these will be available from the Groups dropdown and you can add the new contact to one of these.

5. Click Save contact to save the contact to your directory.

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