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  5. Detailed Reports View
Last updated 635 days ago

Detailed Reports View

Detailed reports show all the details of submitted messages ie. Sender ID, recipient numbers, message content and delivery status, all in one report. You are also able to use additional filters such as Phone Number, Status, Source, and Virtual Number to drill down on your results.

1. Navigate to Reports > Detailed Reports.

2. Filter report by Date Range and results will be displayed by campaign below.

3. Reports can be filtered by the following:

  • Status – filter reports by message status
    • Sent – The message has been processed and submitted to the carrier for delivery. This is the final status on messages without delivery receipts
    • Failed – The message has failed and the carrier has stopped attempting to deliver
    • Delivered – the message was successfully delivered to the handset
  • Source – filter reports by message source
    • Web – Will display messages sent from your online account
    • Email – Will display messages sent via email to SMS
    • Integration – If you have any integrations set up you can use this filter to report activity sent via your integrations
    • API – If you have set up an API to send and receive SMS you can use this filter to report activity via your API
  • Virtual Number – Filter report via message set to and received to your virtual number/s.
  • Phone Number – Filter report via a specific number or contact you have sent or received messages to or from.

4. Results will be displayed automatically in the table below.

  • Message Table
    • Outbound Tab – Line by Line breakdown of each message sent within the filtered search parameters
    • Inbound Tab- Line by Line breakdown of each message received within the filtered search parameters
    • Combined Tab – Line by Line breakdown displayed in a thread view of messages sent and received within the filtered search parameters
5. You can export this data by clicking the export button.
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