To ensure successful delivery, your contact’s mobile numbers should be written in the correct international format.
To change mobile numbers from the domestic format to the correct international format, remove the first ‘0’ or ‘+’ of the mobile number and replace it with the relevant international code (e.g. 61 for Australia and 64 for New Zealand). Incorrect formatting may result in undelivered messages or a message being sent to an incorrect handset. Below are some country-specific examples:
- Country Code: 61
- Number: 9 digits long, excluding the leading ‘0’.
- Example domestic number: 0443123123
- Example International number: 61443123123
New Zealand
- Country Code: 64
- Number: 6-8 digits long, excluding the leading ‘0’.
- Example domestic number: 0222123123
- Example International number: 64222123123
United Kingdom
- Country Code: 44
- Number: 10 digits long, excluding the leading ‘0’.
- Example domestic number: 077812312312
- Example International number: 4477812312312